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PETRAPro Download

PETRAPro is data analysis & reporting software for JAMAR Hand-held TMC Data Collectors.

Use for both new installs and version updates.

Version 1.7.43 (Official Release) - Released January 15, 2019

Below are instructions for downloading and installing PETRAPro.

This file contains all the installation files needed to install the program.

Follow the steps below to install this file.​

1. Click the Download button below and save the zip file to your computer.

2. Once the file is downloaded, double click the installer.  Follow the prompts for installation.

3. If you are installing this version over an existing version, use the 'Repair' option during installation to update your current version.

File Hash(SHA256): 9BD374E9BBD9CD60403C49DB584E7DFC85AD2A897CF9D2F893CD3025301389F8

Program Changes

1.7.43     Release 1/15/2019

Added fix for Delay study Excel exports being "corrupt"
Modified MetaDraw control from to to fix "invalid or unknown picture type" RTE on Intersection Design form
Modified Installer to direct to “Program Files\JAMAR” instead of "Program Files\JAMAR Technologies"
Modified Numbers in Excel Exports to output as Numbers and not General in Excel
Corrected Component One unlicensed VSPrint and VSPDF popups when trying to print

1.7.36     Released 4/10/17

Added Code Signing Signature to Install

1.7.35      Released 3/30/17

Added WADOT exports

Added modified AAP import routine

Modified save routine for Turning Movement studies to eliminate access error

Modified SatFlow studies to properly handle studies with more than 700 vehicles

Modified splash screen to new format

Modified Excel export to fix a few issues

Corrected problem with class files having more than 32 classes

Corrected type mismatch error when merging

Corrected division by zero error when opening a Class scheme F file

Corrected problem when trying to save with default data path having a trailing \

Corrected problem where Stop Sign Delay Excel export was corrupting larger count exports

1.7.1        Released 5/2/11

Added new version of Quick Start screen

Added utility program to install to remove last 8 files from registry

Added ASCII export option for Class, Gap, Spot Speed and Time Stamp data

Modified the Save routine to remember the path used for the last save so if you have multiple files to save, you don't have to reselect the path

Modified Google Earth link to be path independent

Modified Sat Flow report so sat flow and lost time values are calculated from single decimal place values

Modified printing to allow intersection plot to appear on same page as data, if there is enough space

Modified File Open screen to remove file type selection box

Corrected problem where Run Time error would occur if deleting file from the File>Open screen

Corrected problem where comments would change font on certain pages

Corrected problem where some deleted intervals from beginning of class files were reappearing

Corrected problem where adding a new group to the middle of existing groups in a turning movement file would corrupt the file

Corrected problem in Intersection Geometry where North Arrow would disappear on occasion

1.6.0        Released 5/1/09

Added ability to process Roundabout Turning Movement Data

Added ability to turn off header info on reports

Added ability to set default order of approaches

Added Export icon to toolbar

Modified file structure - files created in this version and newer will not open properly in earlier versions

Corrected problem with Com ports 10 or higher not being listed properly

Corrected problem with Time Stamp studies not starting at first time stamp

Corrected problem with reports using 1 minute intervals not displaying properly on the second page

Corrected problem with Change Interval Length tool not properly discarding leftover intervals

1.5.0       Released 8/06/07

Added Preference option to treat 'Other' key as Peds, which will separate Peds from the vehicle data in intersection plot

Revised ASCII export to provide PETRA for Windows format export

Revised hot key commands so hitting ALt-E+E directly opens header screen

Revised download screen to only display available com ports

Corrected problem where hitting the backspace key on some computers caused a run time error 13

Corrected problem where data in cells on some computer would be left-justified, allowing non-numeral entries

Corrected problem with Time Stamped data not being saved correctly on some files

Corrected problem with column move not working correctly if you double-clicked the column heading to access Edit screen

1.4.1       Released 8/23/06

Added Preference Option to allow 'Peds' column to be automatically deleted upon download

Added Control Delay value as calculation in Signalized Intersection Delay data

Added ability to inset page break in report before list of group percentages

Added option for user to create their own icons for use in intersection design

Added option to combine all groups on data screen

Modified Variable Width Graph to show additional statistics

Modified Heading tab in Print Setup so that any changes made are used in report

Corrected program with approach names being misaligned if you deleted the northbound lanes in the Intersection Geometry but didn't delete the leg using the Approach Wizard

Corrected probelm with error occuring if you selected Save Print Defaults in Stop Sign Delay Print Setup

Corrected problem with error occuring at end of download of Stop Sign Delay data

Corrected problem with phantom copies of files being created if a data file was manually moved using Windows Explorer while it was still open in PETRAPro

1.3.9       Released 6/22/06

Added Preference option for batch saving of files on downloading

Added Preference option to have program automatically check the JAMAR web site for updates

Added function to set default file path

Added function to clear last opened studies list

Added 75 mph icon and three way movement icon to Intersection design

Added Support Form under Help menu which allows directly e-mailing files and questions from within the program

Corrected problem where run-time error 6 occurred when printing plot or graph if the total volume of a single movement was over 32,767

Corrected problem with peak data not listing correctly when 'show peak in bold...' option was selected

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring during Excel export if a group name was blank

Corrected problem with run time error 438 occurring if attempting to merge two gap files

Corrected problem where combination of right arrow key and page down key could cause error when editing data

Corrected problem where fonts shifted from one page to the next if all values had been set the same

Corrected problem with the saved print defaults not being used for the first study read in

Corrected problem with Time Stamped files being incorrectly downloaded

Corrected problem with run-time error 35600 occurring when opening a Sat Flow study at the same time as a Turning Movement study

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring when trying to open very large Sat Flow Studies

1.2.9       Released 2/10/06

Added the ability to include up to 4 intersection photos

Open file screen now displays the Lat/Long information for files

Fixed bug that caused group names on reports to not be displayed

Corrected problem with Google Earth opening files with a latitude and longitude of zero

Added option to disable bolding of highest peak value for peak information in Preferences

1.2.8        Released 1/19/06

Added the ability to click through the open splash screen

Added a logo preview on the Headings tab under Print Settings

Added feature to custom size title logos

Added feature to view study locations with GPS information in Google Earth and Microsoft Live Local

Added "Check for New Version" option to the help menu

GIS information now includes Degrees/Minutes as well as GPS coordinates

"Sample File - Turning Movement.ppd" now includes GPS coordinates

Corrected bug that wouldn't allow  the title logo to be aligned to the right

Corrected problem with error occurring when trying to export a Stop Sign Delay file to Excel

Corrected "A" column so it now sizes correctly when exporting to Excel

Corrected problem with run-time error 340 occurring when exporting a single group Turning Movement study to IMC V3(.dfl) format

Corrected problem with the merge wizard inserting a start date of "12/30/1899" instead of the correct date

Corrected problem with new Sat Flow files saying they couldn't be found if they were closed without saving

Corrected problem with run-time error 7 occurring for some users when trying to perform an advanced edit of the titles

Corrected problem with run-time error 341 when merging files and not selecting where to "Take the data from"

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring when previewing certain merged documents before saving

Correct a problem when performing a "Repair" to the install that cause the old preferences to be cleared out

1.2.1       Released 10/14/05

Corrected problem with install not correctly installing all files required for Excel export, causing run-time error 429 when export was tried

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring if you tried to produce a turning movement report with peak analysis and had selected 'Grand Totals' for the overall data.

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring if you tried to produce a report from a Stop Sign Delay file that had been edited from 2 lanes to 1 lane

Corrected problem with run-time error occurring when attempting to merge class files

Corrected problem with Change Interval Length tool not working correctly for Gap files

1.1.18    Released 08/26/05

Revised downloaded files to assign numbers to unnamed files to make merging of files easier

Corrected problem with AAP files not formatting correctly

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring if you tried to produce a report with multiple peaks in the same time period

Corrected problem with volume information in gap files getting placed in the wrong location on the Combined tab

Corrected problem with error occurring at the conclusion of download of Signalized Intersection Delay files

Corrected problem with Signalized Intersection Delay files not using Start Time/End Time setting properly

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring at conclusion of download on same computers

Corrected problem with group percentages for overall intersection not being listed correctly if the Approach Totals option was selected in the Print Setup

1.1.7       Released 06/28/05

Revised Merge Wizard to allow you to select a specific date for merging files if the two files were from different days

Corrected problem with run-time error 438 occurring if you used File, Exit command to exit the program when no files were open

Corrected problem with data columns being listed incorrectly if you manually deleted an approach by removing it from the

intersection geometry and deleting columns rather than using Approach Wizard to automatically remove approach

Corrected problem with data dropping out of data plot if you did a combination of print previews with all groups and just individual groups

Corrected problem with Print Preview not formatting correctly if the order of approaches was changed to East, West, North, South

Corrected problem with run-time error 13 occurring at conclusion of data download from stop sign delay study where some  vehicles were left in queue at end of study

Corrected problem with run-time error 13 occurring if you tried to insert just one interval to the start of a classification study

Corrected problem with run-time error 438 occurring when clicking graph button in signalized intersection delay studies

Corrected problem with 'Out' totals of peak intersection plot not being listed correctly when printing group 2 data by itself

Corrected problem with peak intersection plot not listing data correctly when producing a 15 minute report from data that was originally 5 minute intervals

Corrected problem with Main Screen not turning off properly when turned off in the Preferences

Corrected problem where Direction Descriptions field was missing from the Edit Header options in Signalized Intersection Delay files

Corrected problem with run-time error 13 occurring when doing print or preview of classification files where the Windows

decimal symbol was set to comma rather than period as in some international formats

Corrected problem where run-time error 9 occurred in intersection geometry if you tried to enter street name after adding text box

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring if you tried to print or preview with no groups selected

Corrected problem with run-time error 6 occurring if you tried to produce a report from a signalized intersection delay file that contained all zeroes for data

Corrected problem with user factor automatically being turned on when producing new gap files

Corrected problem with group descriptions getting cut off in Stop Sign Delay reports

Corrected problem where run-time error occurred in PETRA for Windows if you saved a PETRAPro file in the PETRA format

and the original file contained characters in the group descriptions that PETRA did not support

Corrected problem in Stop Sign Delay files where warning message appeared about saving file in older format, even if file was being saved in current format

Corrected problem with gap files were extraneous print formatting characters appeared in the spare comments fields of file

Corrected problem with stray data appearing at end of volume data from 5 minute gap files

Corrected problem where run-time error 438 occurred when attempting  to print two peaks with plots from file that only contains one group of data.

1.1.3       Released 01/18/05

Added support for reading in PETRA DOS PDF files.

Added IMC export options for Gap, Class and Signalized Intersection Delay data

Added support for entering GPS info in file headers

Revised default font used from MS San Serif to Arial, which allows for better compatibility with PDF export

Revised reports produced from 5 minute interval data where 15 minute interval was selected in print setup to provide hourly totals and show peak data in 15 minutes

Revised the default speed limit in Spot Speed files to 55 mph.

Revised 'Delete Movement' command to 'Delete Group'

Revised PDF export of reports to make it clearer that file was created

Revised Excel export to make export independent of version of Excel currently loaded on computer

Revised Auto-fit option for report to include all peak fields

Corrected problem with Merge Wizard not merging some files correctly

Corrected problem with 'Int. Total' for the group breakdown data at the end of the overall data not getting listed correctly if

'Approach Totals' was selected in the print setup of turning movement data

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring on some systems when report print or preview was selected if peak was not set

Corrected problem with run-time error 380 occurring on some systems when report print or preview was selected

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring when print or preview was selected for turning movement files that contained data for multiple days

Corrected problem with run-time error 9 occurring when printing files where the From North approach had been removed

Corrected problem with Change Interval Length Tool not adjusting the interval number and size correctly for turning movement data

Corrected problem with spot speed files create from 'New' command leaving field blank in print setup

Corrected problem with spot speed files create from 'New' command having extraneous info in the spare comment fields

Corrected typo in Peak tab of print setup

Corrected problem with default comments not appearing on the Intersection Photo page of reports

Corrected problem with program not starting when 'Run TRAXPro' box was selected at the end of the download

1.0.3       Initial Release - 12/07/04

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