Traffic Data - Radar
Our radar traffic counters can assist in a variety of applications that provide detailed traffic data for traffic engineers and law enforcement.
Our Law Enforcement II Radar is a second-generation model radar designed for Law Enforcement personnel who are looking for a safe, efficient and effective way to address speeding complaints. It is built to be discreet and minimalistic, avoiding the creating of obstructions from police vehicles, speed trailers, and speed signs. It captures accurate, unbiased speed and traffic data, allowing personnel to best determine when and where enforcement efforts are needed. It will help address traffic complaints, all while increasing safety for the community.
Our Black Cat II Plus Radar is an advanced model that can collect and separate data from two lanes of traffic going in the same direction, as well as standard bidirectional traffic. It also has PoE capability that makes it ideal for permanent station installations. It will collect accurate volume, speed and length classification data without road workers having to step foot on the road. This unit is ideal for traffic engineers.
Call us today for more information about our radar traffic counters.